Now it’s the turn of the elections - İNCİ GÜL AKÖL

Now it’s the turn of the elections - İNCİ GÜL AKÖL

26.11.2018 14:11 | Güncelleme Tarihi: 26.11.2018 14:11

The political parties submitted their candidate lists to the Higher Election Commission on Monday,  21`st of May.

Our  Minister Ömer Çelik, to the European Union,  got hang up on the three-period rule.

According to the rules of the new system, the members of the parliament can not be ministers.

Most probably it is because of this reason that Mr. Çelik wasn`t  shown as a candidate.

This doesn`t mean that, he can not be a minister.

We all, the dwellers of Adana will be much pleased to see our beloved Minister at a much better position, who never changed his political color or deviated in his political line, always being beside of our President , Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who is now the presidential candidate of  “cumhur” alliance.


Let`s turn back to the AK Party`s candidate list; it is absolutely a surprising list.

The Welfare Minister, Julide Sarıeroğlu is at the top of the list.

Tamer Dağlı is at the second.

It was amazing to see Abdullah Doğru in the list.

Our thought  just like many others was, Abdullah Doğru would have being shown as a candidate at the local elections.

It was also a great astonishment not to see this two absolute names in the list, pharmacist Ozan Gülaçtı and Halis Bayrak.

We all know that Ozan Gülaçtı is the vice-mayor of AK party group in Adana Metropolitan Municipality.

I think Ozan Gülaçtı is required at the local politics.

Halis Bayrak will try his luck in the next elections.


There is no any surprise in the list of CHP at all.

It was an obvious signal that Ayhan Barut would be a candidate after his resignation from the provincial directorate of his party, being assigned to this task recently.

Orhan Sümer and Burhanettin Bulut were also two expected names.


We all should congratulate the MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli. He announced his list  four days earlier than 21`st of May.

It was spoken out in the lobbies that Muharrem Varlı would be shown as a candidate again, being at the first in the Adana list.

I wold like to congratulate Mr. Bahçeli again who put Ayşe Sibel Ersoy at the second order in the list.

Had given the first places to men in the previous elections, Bahçeli signed the first by giving the second place to a woman.

It seems that placing Cahit Öztok the owner of Ziyapaşa Özsüt,  in the third order, Bahçeli assigned tape breasting on the shoulders of Yusuf Baş who is in the fourth order.

Yusuf Baş should work much more than the other candidates, since MHP had gained three MPs at the previous elections.


Meral Akşener attends to this elections with her newly established party İP.

We all know İsmail Koncuk who is at the top of the list, from the period of his leadership of the union of Kamu-Sen.

Second comes Metanet Çulhaoğlu, the former MP of MHP.

Both names couldn`t find any positive reflections in the public opinion.

Both Koncuk and Çulhaoğlu will face the bitter result of not being with the real Adana dewellers.


I know, some of you will angry with my prediction related with the 24`th of June elections...

Most probably the presidential elections will be concluded in the first round.

The candidate Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of  “cumhur” alliance of AK Party and MHP, will force 60 percent.

Turkey, just at the rear up, annoying someones otside with its great progresses, being decisive to struggle with FETÖ and wishing the continuation of the stability, will elect Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as a President once again.

AK Party will be also the winner of MP elections again.

CHP the second, MHP the third and HDP the fourth.

AK Party 7, CHP 4, MHP 3, HDP 1

Most probably İP will not gain any MPs, since İP couldn`t manage to blow any wind in Adana.